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1. Site Ownership

This Site is owned and operated by Dublin Airport Authority plc (referred to as "Dublin Airport Authority", "we", "us" or "our"), which expression also includes our subsidiaries or associated companies together with, where the context requires, our third party suppliers and any other party involved with the provision or maintenance of this Site. Dublin Airport Authority plc is a company registered in Ireland under number 9401, whose registered office is at Dublin Airport, County Dublin, Ireland.

2. Site Operation

This Site is controlled and operated by Dublin Airport Authority from our office in Dublin Airport, Ireland. The content appearing on the pages of this site (referred to as "information" or "materials") is provided in accordance with and subject to the laws of Ireland. The businesses conducted by Dublin Airport Authority subsidiaries and associated companies operate in various countries throughout the world and comply with the laws of the particular jurisdictions in which they operate. If any material on this Site, or your use of this Site, is contrary to the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are located then this Site is not intended for your use and we ask that you do not use this Site. You are responsible for compliance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are located. Dublin Airport Authority reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access and use of this Site at any time, which right it may exercise with or without notice. If given, notice will be sent to your e-mail address as notified to Dublin Airport Authority and will be deemed served two (2) hours after transmission by us.

3. Site Information, Purpose and Updates

This Site is operated for the purpose of providing general information about Dublin Airport Authority and the businesses of its subsidiary and associated companies. The information contained in this Site is not intended to address your particular requirements, or to constitute an offer, promotion, or solicitation to Users to buy or sell any products or services of Dublin Airport Authority. Products and services are sold only in compliance with the laws of the particular jurisdictions in which they are sold. This Site, the information provided on the pages of this Site and these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE are subject to change and update by Dublin Airport Authority from time to time without notification. The footer contained at the end of certain pages of this Site states when the last changes were made. You should periodically review the then current TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE, as the updated version will apply to all of your subsequent uses of this site.

4. Disclaimer

Though Dublin airport authority has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy, currency, availability, security, correctness and completeness of the information contained on this site, the information is provided on an "as is", "with all faults" and "as available" basis. to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Dublin airport authority disclaims all warranties, conditions and terms of every kind (excepting duties of good faith), whether express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of quality, fitness for particular purpose, title, quite enjoyment or non-infringement of intellectual property rights. Dublin airport authority shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of your use of or reliance on this information, whether authorized or not, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if Dublin airport authority has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. Dublin airport authority liability in respect of direct loss or damage, howsoever arising, as a result of your use of or reliance on this information, whether authorized or not, shall be limited to the Dublin airport authority correction or replacement of the information. if you download any material from this site you do so at your own discretion and risk. you shall be solely responsible for any loss of data or damage to your computer system resulting from such download. some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for death or personal injury, accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to you. the statutory rights of users dealing with Dublin airport authority, as consumers shall remain unaffected by these terms and conditions of use.

5. Links and Other Sites

Certain links on this Site lead to world wide web sites maintained by Dublin Airport Authority group companies and third parties. These links are provided as a convenience to you. We have not reviewed all of the information on such sites and are not responsible for the availability or content of any other sites (or sites linked to such sites) or any products or services that may be offered through any other sites. Third party sites may contain information with which Dublin Airport Authority does or does not agree and links to such sites should not be taken as an endorsement of the content of linked sites. Different terms and conditions may apply to your use of any linked sites. You may not frame or link to this Site without the prior written approval of Dublin Airport Authority.

6. Electronic Mail, Security and Privacy

Dublin Airport Authority has taken commercially reasonable steps to ensure the security of your communications with this Site, details of which are set out in the Dublin Airport Authority privacy and security statement, available upon request. The privacy and security statement does not apply to third party sites. In accessing this Site the User accepts that electronic mail passing over the Internet may not be free from interference by third parties. In consequence, Dublin Airport Authority cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of any information relating to the User passing over the Internet. The User shall be responsible for your communications to this Site, including its lawfulness, truthfulness and accuracy. In particular, but without limitation, you should not post to this Site any unlawful, threatening, defamatory or obscene material or any material that could give rise to a criminal offence and/or civil liability in any relevant jurisdiction. It is entirely at your discretion to send any information to Dublin Airport Authority, including applications for employment positions, which may be posted on this Site. While Dublin Airport Authority is bound by applicable data protection legislation, information which is not personal may be used by Dublin Airport Authority, as we may deem appropriate in order to improve our range of services to customers and suppliers. Our privacy and security statement is available upon request.

This site uses ClickTale web analytics service. ClickTale may record mouse clicks, mouse movements, scrolling activity as well as text you type in this website. This site does not use ClickTale to collect any personally identifiable information or credit card information entered in this website. ClickTale does not track your browsing habits across web sites which do not use ClickTale services. For more information see Privacy Policy for Information Collected by the ClickTale Web Analytics Service. We are using the information collected by ClickTale service to understand how customers use our website and what changes we can make to improve the usability of the website.You can choose to disable the Service at

7. Advertizing

Part of the Site may contain advertising and sponsorship. Advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the Site complies with international and national law. Dublin Airport Authority will not be responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising materials.

8. Copyright Notive and Licence

The information contained in this Site, including but not limited to the content, selection and layout of text, images, graphics, animation, videos, music, sounds and other materials, are the property of Dublin Airport Authority or its licensors and are protected by national and international copyright, trademark and other laws. You may browse through this Site and print or download copies of materials to a single computer for non-commercial use within your home [or work] environment, provided any copies, whether mechanical or electronic, retain all copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers. No permission is granted to make any changes to the information on this Site and all rights not expressly granted by us in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE are reserved. The limited licence to copy materials on this Site set out above does not permit incorporation of the material or any part of it in any other work or publication, whether in hard copy, electronic, or any other form. In particular, but without limitation, no materials on this Site may be copied or distributed for any commercial purposes. No materials on this Site may be reproduced or transmitted on or to, or stored in, any other web site or other form of electronic retrieval system.

9. Trademark Notice

All product names, model names, slogans, logos and emblems, referred to in this Site, whether or not appearing in large print or with the TM or trademark symbol, (the "Marks") are trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Dublin Airport Authority, its licensors or joint venture partners, as appropriate. All rights in the Marks are reserved and no licence or right to use is granted to Users. In addition, the use or misuse of Marks is expressly prohibited.

10. Governing Law

This Site has been designed to comply with the laws of Ireland. Use of this Site is subject to the laws of Ireland (excluding Northern Ireland), which shall exclusively govern the interpretation, application, and effect of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE. The courts of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of, or in connection with this Site and its use. If any provision of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE shall be held unlawful, void or unenforceable for any reason then such provision shall be deemed severed and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

11. Entire Agreement

These TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE contain the entire agreement between the parties relating to your use of this Site.
© 2010 Dublin Airport Authority plc, All rights reserved. Last Updated 01 January, 2010

Terms and Conditions for Online Shopping

1. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions for Online Shopping (also known as

1.1 The website (the "Site") is owned and operated by Dublin Airport Authority plc (referred to as "Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free", "we", "us" or "our"), which expression also includes our subsidiaries or associated companies together with, where the context requires, our third party suppliers and any other party involved with the provision or maintenance of this Site and/or the Service (defined below). Dublin Airport Authority plc is a company registered in Ireland under number 9401, whose registered office is at Dublin Airport, County Dublin, Ireland.

1.2 We want our legal relationship with you in relation to your use of this Site to be fair and clear. We have therefore set out how the different parts of that relationship will work in three documents and which are available on this Site. These are: (a) Our Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Site, which cover the general use and operation of this Site and which are accessible at ; (b) Our Privacy Policy, which covers how we may use information about you and your use of this Site and which is accessible at ; and (c) Our Terms and Conditions for Online Shopping (the "Terms & Conditions"), which govern the terms and conditions on which products can be ordered through the Site for collection at Dublin Airport.

1.3 You should read each of these documents carefully as together they form the basis of our legal relationship with you and they affect your legal rights and liabilities.

1.4 We reserve the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time, without notice. Any changes will take effect when posted on this Site.

1.5 The Online Shopping Service (the "Service") is operated by Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free at Dublin Airport. If you order a product through the Service, these Terms & Conditions will apply to your order. By using this Site and/or the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.

1.6 Additional terms and conditions or policies may also be relevant to our legal relationship with you. These may include, for example, any terms and conditions that apply to specific promotions or competitions. You will be directed to any additional terms and conditions or policies as appropriate.

1.7 We may at any time suspend or restrict the operation of this Site without notice or without giving any reasons.

1.8 If you have any questions about the Site or the Service, please refer to our FAQ section or if your query is not answered, please contact Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free Customer Service at or +353 1 814 5735.

2. Opening Hours and Times for Collection

2.1 We aim to make the Site available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, your access to Site may occasionally be restricted to allow for the introduction of new products or features, site development, maintenance, repairs or for any other reason. In the case of any down-time, we will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.

2.2 You can collect your order at the 'Click & Collect' Collection Point in Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free shopping area in the airport terminal that you have selected is is l-if you have selected to collect in departures this locationed after you have cleared the security screening area. This area is open from early morning until the last flight departure and the latest details are posted on this site. For collection in the arrivals locations you can collect your order at the 'Shop & Collect' Colleciton Point in the arrivals halls in Terminal 1 & Terminal 2.

2.3 We will use our reasonable endeavours to maintain at all times the opening hours specified in this section. However, occasionally opening hours may be affected by factors beyond our control and cannot be guaranteed. Where possible, we will inform you in advance if we become aware of any delay or change in opening hours. In the event that we fail to meet the specified opening hours and you are unable to collect your product(s), you will be entitled to a full refund.

3. Online Shopping Window

3.1 The Online Shopping Window shall be the period commencing 90 calendar days prior to the date and time of your departure from Dublin Airport up to 12 hours prior to the relevant departure time.For the avoidance of doubt, the Online Shopping Window excludes any departure within 12 hours of your placing (or attempting to place) an order

3.2 The Online Shopping Window shall be the period commencing 90 calendar days prior to the date and time of your departure from Cork Airport up to 24 hours prior to the relevant departure timeCork Airport For the avoidance of doubt, the Online Shopping Window excludes any departure within 24 hours of your placing (or attempting to place) an order.

4. Accuracy of Content

4.1 The prices quoted on the Site are subject to change from time to time. The current price for any product shown on the Site represents the price it is intended you will be charged. Any variation to the price shown must have been made available to you, and accepted by you, before your order is accepted by us.

4.2 We have taken reasonable precautions to try to ensure that prices quoted on this Site are correct and that all products have been fairly described. However, when ordering products through this Site, please note: (a) that orders will only be accepted if there are no material errors in the description of the products or their prices as advertised on this Site; (b) packaging may vary from that shown on the Site and the weight, dimensions and capacities shown on the Site are approximate only; and (c) whilst we try to display the colours of our products accurately on the Site, the actual colours you see may be affected by your monitor and we cannot guarantee that your monitor's display of any colour will accurately reflect the colour of the product you collect.

4.3 We will try to ensure that the prices and all other information on the Site are accurate but we exclude our liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for any errors.

4.4 All the products displayed on the Site are subject to availability and order quotas that may apply. We do not guarantee that all products shown on the Site are in stock and are available to order but we will use our reasonable endeavours to meet your requirements.

4.5 If you have not made an order online or if we have not received payment in full from you for any reason, we are under no obligation on your arrival at the collection point to honour any online price or promotion that differs from the in-store price.

5. Minimum Requirements for Use

5.1 To order and pay online you must be over eighteen, acting as a consumer and not in any business capacity, place the order during the Online Shopping Window, and depart from Dublin Airport.

5.2 You must ensure that the flight and personal details you provide are correct and complete.

5.3 Duty free allowances and requirements apply to the country that you are entering, not departing from. You should ensure that your order complies with the Customs allowances and requirements of any country you intend to enter with products ordered through the Service.

5.4 Where a person attempts to place an order otherwise than in compliance with this Clause 5 and these Terms & Conditions, the order will be deemed void.


6. Making an Order

6.1 To make an order, you need to select your required products from the Site and then follow the steps outlined below: (a) Select items - Availability of stock: Products that are available for purchase will have an "Add to Basket" button. For products that are labelled "Add to Basket", simply click the "Add to Basket" button on the product information page. If a product is not available to shop online the "Add to Basket" button will not appear. (b) Select items - Shopping basket page: After making your product selections, and the quantity of each which you require, you will be able to review and amend your order before proceeding through the checkout pages. (c) Provide details page: We will then ask you for details of the flight, including flight number, flight date, flight time, and flight destination, and details of the person who will be collecting the order. These details must correspond with the boarding card details. You will also be required to provide your email and phone contact details so we can contact you if we need to discuss your order. You will then be asked to confirm that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions by ticking the box. You will only be able to proceed to process your order if this box is ticked. (d) Order Summary Page: Finally, we will ask you to check the details of the products you are ordering, along with all other details provided by you. Please complete the details of the credit/debit card you wish to use to make your payment. Please tick the box confirming you have read these Terms & Conditions as well as our Privacy Policy. Clicking "Order Now" will generate and transmit your order and display a page confirming the details set out below in Clause 6.2. You will not be able to amend your order after pressing the "Confirm Order" button, so please check all details are correct before placing your order.

6.2 We will notify you by email as soon as possible to confirm that we have received your order. Your order confirmation email will include the following details: (a) Your order reference; (b) Passenger details (c) Your order details - product, quantity, price; (d) Your flight information, including flight number, flight date, flight time, and flight destination; (e) Collection and Pick Up information, and (f) Your personal information, including name, contact number and email address.

6.3 When necessary to contact you, we will use the email address provided by you at the time of your placing of the order. Please ensure that you advise us of any changes to your contact details.

6.4 The total amount due will be displayed in euros on the site and confirmed by email and will include all appropriate duty and VAT. The duty and VAT rates in force at the time of the payment will be the appropriate rate. A till receipt will be included in each order and the appropriate VAT rate will be detailed on this receipt.

7. Acceptance of Your Order

7.1 Any email or acknowledgement by us of receipt of an order placed by you does not mean that we have accepted your order. Acceptance of your order and completion of the contract between you and Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free at Dublin Airport will take place when you collect the products ordered at the collection point after security screening in Dublin Airport. We reserve the right, where necessary, not to accept your order for any reason.

7.2 All products that you order through the Service will remain the property of Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free until collected by you at the Collection Point in Dublin Airport. For the avoidance of doubt an order placed through this Service, even when we confirm receipt of such order and provide confirmation of such receipt in writing, shall not constitute an agreement for the sale or purchase of products but instead constitutes an offer by you to buy from us. The contract for the sale of any products ordered through the Service will only be completed upon your presenting at the Collection Point and our transferring the products into your possession, at which point risk of damage to or loss of the product(s) passes to you.

8. Payment & Validation Checks

8.1 All card payments are subject to authorisation by your card issuer. The service is provided by Barclaycard Global Payment Acceptance, a trading name of Barclays Bank plc.

8.2 During the checkout process, you will be asked to complete your payment details. All fields must be completed. All payments for card types that fall under the Visa and Mastercard card schemes will be validated prior to completion of payment with the card schemes under the Verified By Visa and Mastercard Securecode programmes

8.3 We, or third parties engaged on our behalf, will validate your credit/debit card before accepting your order. We will not accept your order if your card is declined at any stage during the processing of your order.

8.4 All credit/debit card holders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. We will not be liable for any delay or failure by you to place a valid order if the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment to us.

8.5 Although we endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the complete security of any data you disclose online. You accept the inherent security risks of providing personal information and using the internet and we cannot be held responsible for any breach of security unless it is due to our negligence.

9. Collection & Collection Point

9.1 The Online Shopping collection point is called the 'Click & Collect' Collection Point and is located in Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free shopping area in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 - after you have cleared the security screcurity for departures. 'Shop & Collect' Collection Point and is located in the Arrivals Halls in Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 for arrivals.

9.2 To collect your products, and to facilitate the efficient processing of your order, please present the email we sent you confirming the particulars of your order.

9.3 You will be required to provide photographic proof of identity, a valid boarding card and your order confirmation email, which requirements are a pre-condition to our being able to provide the products to you. We reserve the right to refuse to provide you with any products you have ordered where you fail to provide this information or where any of the information provided by you online differs from that disclosed on presentation at the Collection Point.

9.4 Customers on collecting goods must sign a collection docket confirming receipt of goods.

10. Flight-Related Issues, Right of Cancellation and Refunds

10.1 In the case of any cancelled flight, delayed flight or any other amendment to or cancellation of your travel plans affecting your ability to collect any products ordered through the Service, please advise us at your earliest convenience and we will arrange for a full refund or where applicable arrange for a different date for collection.

10.2 If you subsequently decide that you do not want any product that you have ordered but before you collect the product, you may cancel your order up to 48 hours in advance of your scheduled departure time by simply clicking on the cancellation link as detailed on your email confirmation. A full refund of the amount paid will be credited to the credit or debit card used during the payment process. For any cancellations within 48 hours of your scheduled departure time, please present at the Collection Point with the email we sent you confirming the particulars of your order, as well as photographic proof of identity and a valid boarding card.

10.3 In the case of any refund for any reason, the repayment in full of monies paid by you to us will be the extent of our liability to you.

10.4 Nothing in these Terms & Conditions is intended to limit any rights you might have as a consumer or other statutory rights that may not be excluded or in any way to exclude or limit our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

11. Revenue and Customs Requirements

11.1 We do not accept any liability for your compliance or otherwise with local or international revenue requirements, any taxation obligations, or any other customs' requirements that might apply to you and/or the products that you order through the Service. YOU ARE ADVISED TO SATISFY YOURSELF PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY PRODUCTS THROUGH THE SERVICE THAT THE PURCHASE OF THE PRODUCTS WILL NOT PUT YOU IN BREACH OF ANY OF YOUR OBLIGATIONS WITH REGARD TO REVENUE, OTHER TAXATION LIABILITIES OR CUSTOMS REQUIREMENTS AND TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE FULLY INFORMED OF ALL SUCH OBLIGATIONS PRIOR TO MAKING ANY RESERVATION THROUGH THE SERVICE.

11.2 All prices are shown in Euro (€) and include VAT and duties where appropriate. We will charge you the applicable VAT and duties based on your ultimate destination as you shall have advised to us. Remember, you will be required to produce documentation to confirm your flight details, including your boarding pass, when you present at the Collection Point to purchase the products.

12. Limitation of our Liability

12.1 If we are in breach of these Terms & Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer as a result to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us at the time you make the relevant order. Our products are for personal use only and our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption. Other than as set out in Clause 10.4, our liability to you in connection with any order will not exceed the total price charged for the products.

13. General

13.1 We shall not be liable for any breach of these Terms & Conditions caused by circumstances beyond our control.

13.2 If you access this Site from a country other than the Republic of Ireland you are responsible for compliance with relevant local laws and regulations. You must not access this Site from countries where such access or the contents of this Site are illegal.

13.3 If any provision of these Terms & Conditions is found to be invalid, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms & Conditions and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

13.4 You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights under these Terms & Conditions.

13.5 If you breach these Terms & Conditions and we do not take action, that will not affect our ability to rely on these Terms & Conditions later.

13.6 We reserve the right to change and update these Terms & Conditions from time to time and recommend that you revisit this page regularly to keep informed of the current Terms & Conditions that apply to your use of this Site. By continuing to access, browse and use this Site and/or the Service, you will be deemed to have agreed to any changes or updates to these Terms & Conditions.

13.7 These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland and the courts of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute relating to, or involving these Terms & Conditions or the Service.

14. Complaints and Queries

14.1 If you are not happy with the products or services you have received from us please email us at or +353 1 814 5735. You can also submit your complaint to an online dispute resolution process operated by the European Commission by clicking on this link

15. Online vouchers and promotional codes.

15.1 Cannot be applied to previously placed orders.

15.2 Promo codes that offer a percent off cannot be combined with other percent off or money off promo codes.

15.3 Not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit.

15.4 To apply a promo code or a voucher, you must enter it prior to completing the order.

Terms and Conditions for Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free Social Media Competition

Competitions run via Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free official social networking accounts (on Twitter Facebook & Instagram) are open to everyone, unless the competition prize includes age-restricted items, eg. alcohol, in which case entrants must be at 18 years of age or over. Employees of Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free, ARI, DAA and their relatives, and anyone else professionally associated with the competitions, are not eligible to enter.

By entering the competition the entrant agrees to abide by all competition rules (including these terms and conditions), and agrees to the publication and disclosure of his or her name and entry for the purpose of administering the competition. The winner’s address may be required to deliver the prize, and this information may need to be shared with a third party, eg. a courier company. The winner may be required to participate in any publicity arising from or in connection with the competition.

To be entered into the competition, you must satisfy all conditions of entry as stated in the competition post. These conditions may differ per social network.

Entry is restricted to one entry per person per platform for each competition. The same person may enter more than once if entering via a different social network. Late, illegible, incomplete, defaced or corrupt entries, or entries sent through agencies and third parties will not be accepted and will be disqualified. No entries from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computer will be accepted.

Winners will be selected at random from all complete and correct entries, unless the entry conditions include an element of skill, in which case a winner will be chosen based on merit. This will be judged by employees or contractors of Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free, and the decision of the judge or judges is final. No correspondance will be entered into.

The prize will be as stated in the original competition post/s, and there will be no cash alternative offered. Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value.

Winners will be contacted electronically, as appropriate to the social media platform he or she entered on. Should Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free be unable to contact the winner via these means, the prize will be awarded to an alternative winner, drawn in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Winner/s will be announced on the appropriate social networking platforms within a week of the closing date of the competition as specified in the original competition post. Dublin & Cork Airport Duty Free reserves the right to extend this deadline at any time.

Neither the Promoter, its employees, agents nor anyone professionally connected to the competition, assume or accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever arising out of the competition for: any incorrect or inaccurate personal data entry, or for any faulty or failed electronic data transmissions; communications line failure, regardless of cause, with regards to any equipment, systems, networks, lines, satellites, servers, computers or providers utilised in any aspect of this competition which may result in entries being lost or not properly registered or recorded; inaccessibility or unavailability of the internet; any injury or damage to entrants upon delivery and/or use of the prize.

The Promoter reserves the right to suspend or terminate or amend the competition or any element thereof (including the terms and conditions) at any time without notice for any valid, technical or commercial reason which may include, without limitation, the competition (or the website on which it is presented) being subject to, or affected by, any denial-of service (DOS) attacks, bugs, viruses or any other technologically harmful material or act of hacking by a third party, or in the event of any wilful attempt to breach these terms and conditions, or for reasons beyond its control.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by Irish law and the courts of Republic of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction.